Welcome to Serviceberry

Delivering sustainable development solutions


Serviceberry Business Empire (Pty) Ltd was incorporated in Botswana under the Companies Act, 2003 on the 6th  December 2010, Company Number CO2010/11078. Serviceberry Business Empire (Pty) Ltd is a 100% citizen  owned company that was born out of the concern for various sustainable development challenges as a result  of increased population growth and the associated high urbanization. To provide for the growing mouths and  increasing per capita consumption the economy needs to grow at an unprecedented rate placing increased  pressure on natural resources. One way to alleviate this pressure is by promoting green growth i.e. economic  growth that does not adversely affect the environment. Delivering sustainable development solutions,  therefore, became the core business of the company.



To be a world leader in providing value for money sustainability advisory solutions that assist our clients to overcome their sustainability and environmental challenges.


Serviceberry Business Empire (Pty) Ltd is committed to its People-Service-Profit Philosophy. We will produce sustainable financial returns by partnering with the world’s best to deliver totally reliable, cutting edge, value-for-money and relevant sustainability and environmental solutions in Africa and beyond.

Products and Services

Serviceberry Business Empire (Pty) Ltd provides products and services through its subsidiaries as follows:

Customers/Projects Portfolio

Customers/Projects Portfolio

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Unopa Sikuku
Mobile: +267 73 333 176
Alternative mobile: +267 72 333 176